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HOME > °í°´¼¾ÅÍ > TRIO ÀÚ·á½Ç
À̸§ ÀÓ¿µ¿Ï À̸ÞÀÏ ywoun@naver.com
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 14.12.30 Á¶È¸¼ö 40393

ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ¿¡·¯ ³»¿ª ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

Contains the number of the last run time error that stopped the program on the specified process.


Value: Description:

1 Command not recognized

2 Invalid transfer type

3 Error programming Flash

4 Operand expected

5 Assignment expected

6 QUOTES expected

7 Stack overflow

8 Too many variables

9 Divide by zero

10 Extra characters at end of line

11 ] expected in PRINT

12 Cannot modify a special program

13 THEN expected in IF/ELSEIF

14 Error erasing Flash

15 Start of expression expected

16 ) expected

17 , expected

18 Command line broken by ESC

19 Parameter out of range

20 No process available

21 Value is read only

22 Modifier not allowed

23 Remote axis is in use

24 Command is command line only

25 Command is runtime only

26 LABEL expected

27 Program not found 

28 Duplicate Identifier 

29 Program is locked 

30 Program(s) running 

31 Program is stopped 

32 Cannot select program 

33 No program selected 

34 No more programs available 

35 Out of memory 

36 No code available to run 

37 Command out of context 

38 Too many nested structures 

39 Structure nesting error 

40 ELSE/ELSEIF/ENDIF without previous IF 

41 WEND without previous WHILE 

42 UNTIL without previous REPEAT 

43 Identifier expected 

44 TO expected after FOR 

45 Too may nested FOR/NEXT 

46 NEXT without FOR 

47 UNTIL/IDLE expected after WAIT 

48 GOTO/GOSUB expected 

49 Too many nested GOSUB 

50 RETURN without GOSUB 

51 LABEL must be at start of line 

52 Cannot nest one line IF 

53 LABEL not found 

54 LINE NUMBER cannot have decimal point

55 Cannot have multiple instances of REMOTE

56 Invalid use of $

57 VR(x) expected

58 Program already exists

59 Process already selected

60 Duplicate axes not permitted

61 PLC type is invalid

62 Evaluation error

63 Reserved keyword not available on this controller

64 VARIABLE not found

65 Table index range error

66 Features enabled do not allow ATYPE change

67 Invalid line number

68 String exceeds permitted length

69 Scope period should exceed number of Ain params

70 Value is incorrect

71 Invalid I/O channel

72 Value cannot be set. Use CLEAR_PARAMS command

73 Directory not locked

74 Directory already locked

75 Program not running on this process

76 Program not running

77 Program not paused on this process

78 Program not paused

79 Command not allowed when running Motion Perfect

80 Directory structure invalid

81 Directory is LOCKED

82 Cannot edit program

83 Too many nested OPERANDS

84 Cannot reset when drive servo on

85 Flash Stick Blank

86 Flash Stick not available on this controller

87 Slave error

88 Master error

89 Network timeout

90 Network protocol error

91 Global definition is different

92 Invalid program name

93 Program corrupt

94 More than one program running when trying to set GLOBAL/CONSTANT

95 Program encrypted

96 BASIC TOKEN definition incorrect

97 ( expected

98 Number expected

99 AS expected

100 STRING, VECTOR or ARRAY expected

101 String expected

102 Download Abort or Timeout

103 Cannot specify program type for an existing program

104 File error: Invalid COFF image file

105 Variable defined outside include file

106 Command not allowed within INCLUDE file

107 Serial Number must be -1

81 Directory is LOCKED

82 Cannot edit program

83 Too many nested OPERANDS

84 Cannot reset when drive servo on

85 Flash Stick Blank

86 Flash Stick not available on this controller

87 Slave error

88 Master error

89 Network timeout

90 Network protocol error

91 Global definition is different

92 Invalid program name

93 Program corrupt

94 More than one program running when trying to set GLOBAL/CONSTANT

95 Program encrypted

96 BASIC TOKEN definition incorrect

97 ( expected

98 Number expected

99 AS expected

100 STRING, VECTOR or ARRAY expected

101 String expected

102 Download Abort or Timeout

103 Cannot specify program type for an existing program

104 File error: Invalid COFF image file

105 Variable defined outside include file

106 Command not allowed within INCLUDE file

107 Serial Number must be -1

135 FOR expected


137 File not open

138 End of file

139 File already open

140 Invalid storage area

141 Numerical error: Invalid Floating-Point operation

142 Invalid System Code - wrong controller

143 IEC error: invalid variable access

144 Numerical error: Not-a-Number(NaN) used

145 Numerical error: Infinity used

146 Numerical error: Subnormal value used

147 MAC EEPROM is locked

148 Invalid mix of data types

149 Invalid startup configuration command

150 Symbol is not a variable

151 Robot Features are NOT enabled (FEC 22)

152 IEC runtime limited to 1 hour (FEC 21)

153 Command not allowed with current ATYPE

154 Wildcard length must be 1

155 Incompatible array dimensions

156 Matrix is singular

157 Program is not an executable type

158 Disk error: Format must be FAT32

159 Program is stopped (HALT FORCED)


Use the command line to check why a program that was running on process 5 has stopped. The result of 9

indicates a divide by zero error.




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